The Gift of Music


In 2015, I brought an idea to life. I created an interactive concert experience that presents unique guest artists while establishing a deeper connection between the audience and performers. I rented a venue in Concord, MA, gave the concert a name and Beyond the Notes was born. We are now approaching our seventh season of Beyond the Notes and I would like to express my deep gratitude for your continuous support in helping me bring this idea to life.

Beyond the Notes is continuing to grow every year but in order to keep presenting innovative concerts, we need your support. Ticket sales do not cover our many costs. We must rely on the generosity of believers and supporters to keep this project alive.


Make a tax deductible donation here:

Thank you for your support!

Sarah Whitney
violinist, founder & artistic director

Giving Levels


Above and Beyonder

  • Musician Sponsor


Songful Superstar

  • Your donation will cover half the cost of venue or videographer/video editing for live-streaming



Musical Maverick

  • Your donation will cover 1 community engagement activity


Divine Discoverer

  • Your donation will cover 1 hour of graphic design work


Tuneful Trendsetter

  • Your donation will contribute to the cost of printed material

All donations of $50+ will be recognized on the Beyond the Notes website

A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your support!

Sincerest thanks to:

Carol & Dave Anderson

Susan Bishov

Catherine Bitter

Leone Buyse & Michael Webster

Regina Campbell

Dick & Cathy Chick

Judith Cole

Holly Darzen

Karen Davis

Ruby Fulton

George Gagliardi

Benjamin Gish

Dottie & Michael Gray

Ann & Bob Gross

Patty Keane

Barbara Marden

Jonathan McNair

Alexandra Moore

Jim & Barbara Moran

Mary King

Linda McMillan & Tim Oldfield

Lori & Jim Pazaris

Charles Poutasse

Sarah B Satterthwaite

Irwin & Marian Shapiro

Melita Teichert & William Sabine

Darien Smith

Eleanor Toth

Eric & Laurie Van Loon

Caitlin Selle & Alec Walker

Christopher Williams

Alan & Lois Whitney